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What is Qigong or Chi-Kung?

The practice of Qigong, also known as chi kung, has been around for more than 5,000 years and is founded on the same theories as acupuncture and conventional Chinese Taoist medicine. It is a gentle exercise that entails repeating movements, practicing breathing techniques, stretching, and enhancing fluid mobility throughout the body. In doing so, qigong helps us become conscious of the flow of our own life force energy, or chi, and it restores the body's natural energy flow. “Qi” means the life force energy you are born with and “Gong” means the skill of working with, or cultivating, self-discipline and achievement.  This life force energy comes from the food we eat, the air we breathe, nature, meditation and mindful exercise.


How does Qigong related to healing?

Millions of people all over the world have benefited greatly from qigong, which has been used to heal people for thousands of years in China. In Taoism, cultivating chi, or life force energy, is the main goal. The main advantages of qigong for most people are the prevention or alleviation it offers for a variety of chronic health problems and challenges, including diabetes, poor circulation, back pain, and even cancer.


What are the benefits of Qigong?

The consequences of modern living trends can be effectively countered through qigong. The world of today moves quickly and is fueled by stress, fast food, and insufficient sleep. Numerous studies have proven that this combination has a terrible impact on our bodies and can cause a wide range of chronic illnesses and mental health problems. The body and mind are retrained to really relax through Qigong practice. The body can mend itself while you're in a tranquil mood. Along with improved strength, endurance, range of motion, and flexibility, practicing qigong as a lifestyle has numerous additional physical advantages. Additionally, it supports healthy sleeping patterns and the immunological and digestive systems' performance. Mentally, it improves concentration, which is essential for successful learning.


What are the 24 therapeutic Qigong postures?

The 24 Posture Qigong routine has its origins in the teaching of Dr. Wang Ziping. It is intended to promote health, healing and longevity. The routine integrates levels of action, including the physical body, the energetic body (qi), and the spirit (jin) It is comprised of slow flowing repetitions of meditative movement. Postures systematically move from body segment to body segment, advancing from the top of the spine downward. It is believed that relaxation and postural balance are primary to therapeutic energy flow. Several strategies contribute to energy during the qigong routine are:

  • Muscle energy

  • Self-massage

  • Sacral/cranial pump

  • Energy cultivation

  • Release energy blockages from organs and the spine

  • Wellness and Personal Development

Daily practice of these exercises routine can result in therapeutic benefit from both a Western modern medicine and Eastern energy medicine.

Here are 6 reasons why Qigong is Awesome for Balancing the Energy of your Body

  1. Qigong uses movement – slow and gentle movement 

  2. Qigong reduces inflammation and pain

  3. Qigong is non-addictive, unlike opioid, pain killer or other medications

  4. Qigong is non-religious

  5. Qigong can be practiced even if you are overweight, in a wheelchair, or recovering from surgery.

  6. EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques/ Tapping based on the stimulation of acupuncture meridians.


Qigong or Chi-Kung for Wellness and Personal Develpment



These classes have one fundamental purpose:


Since we are a part of nature, we are inextricably linked to the dynamic energy that drives each season. The impact of weather and climatic changes cannot be avoided. The amount of sunlight that affects our surroundings varies as the globe rotates over the year, and it is this thermal shift that determines our local climate. The cyclical patterns of the weather have an impact on every culture's existence and every person's health.

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